Tuesday 31 March 2009

Feedback from 1H

1H tried the Spins out with the Bow Tie activity. What did you think, 1H?
  • What was it like using the Spins?
  • What features did you like best?
  • What didn't work so well?
When you post a comment remember to put your number at the end!


  1. I enjoyed using the spins because you could flip the scren around and use it as a touch screen.

    The feature I liked the best was using the pen to draw the bow tie and using it as touch screen as well as a normal laptop.

    The feature that didn't work so well was, sometimes the connection didn't work properly so i couldn't sign in properly.

    number 1

  2. I Enjoyed Using the spins because they were touch screen and they had many features to enjoy.

    The Feature i liked using the best was the pen tool when drawing the bow ties for the teachers.

    The only thing that didn't work so well was the time it took to load at the start the first time the class used them.

    Number 8

  3. i really enjoyed using the spins because there a bit different from just using computers all the time and they are good because of the touch sreen so its also really easy to use.

    i really enjoyed using the pen for drawing on the touch screen and it was really useful when we were designing the bow tie for a teacher.

    the first time we used them they all didnt get on to the tasks so we didnt all get a chance to use them first time thats really the only thing that didnt go so well.

    no: 3

  4. i really liked using the spins as i had never used them before and they were easy and fun to use :)

    what i liked best was the fact that you could use the pen on the touch screen to draw when we were designing bow ties

    personally i think we didn't get enough time that was needed to designed the bow ties

    Caroline Dunn
    don't know the number

  5. I thought, when I was using the spins, it was really fun because they are different and because they had a touch screen. I enjoyed making my bow tie because it made you think about a specific teacher and about what subject they taught and why they were nice.

    The feature I liked was the pen tool on the touch screen because it was easier to draw a bow tie.

    On my spin, the camera didn't work so I didn't get to take a picture of my bow tie. Also, I had to physically move my tasks forward. using my pen, because it wasn't working properly.


  6. I thought, when I was using the spins, it was really fun because they are different and because they had a touch screen. I enjoyed making my bow tie because it made you think about a specific teacher and about what subject they taught and why they were nice.

    The feature I liked was the pen tool on the touch screen because it was easier to draw a bow tie.

    On my spin, the camera didn't work so I didn't get to take a picture of my bow tie. Also, I had to physically move my tasks forward. using my pen, because it wasn't working properly.

    No.10 - Ciara Jamieson (I thought i was number 9 instead of number 10)

  7. I thought the spins were quite fun because they're interactive with the touch screen and the screen can flip round for drawing.

    I liked the camera/video recorder best because you could show how you made your model step by step and you can look back at what you said about it before.

    My only problem with the spin was the connection and how I wasn't able to do anything on them.

    No. 19

  8. I enjoyed using the spins because it is a touch screen and you can use it as a normal computer. I like how you can flip the screen around to draw and it is easy to use.

    I like the camera, voice recorder and that you can take videos the best because you don't have to type anything which makes it easier and you can show your model in a picture or video so people can see what it looks like.

    I don't think you get enough time on the tasks and sometimes you have to rush your work but I think everything else is really good.


  9. I really enjoyed using the spins as it was not only something different it was easy to use. I also liked how you were able to flip it round and draw as it was more comfortable and also how easy it was to work.

    I enjoyed taking pictures, videos and recording as it was easy to see what you had done as viewing it is simple. It also lets you see how your work has come on and how you have changed it along the time of the task.

    I thought that you c ould have more time to do some of the tasks as some of the devices were not working as well as others so some people lost time and were not able to complete what they were asked to do. Also some people had to rush and therefore did not do there best work.

    Number 13

  10. I enjoyed using the spins and it wasso much fun and it was somthing new different it was easy to use. I also liked how you were able to turn it round and draw and it was more easy was more to work.

    what i liked best was the fact that you could use the pen on the touch screen to draw when we were designing bow ties

    caitli fitzpatick
    Duno the number :)

  11. i likd using the spins because it was really fun and it was something new and different. I also liked how you could turn it round to draw in different ways.

    I liked taking pcitures and recording your vice becasue it helped you change your design along the way and also you could and if you forgot what you wanted to change you could go back and see what you said.

    i really dont think we got enough time to do all the tasks because sometimes we only got a few mins and we had to work extremly fast.

    but i liked making the bow ties.;-)

    number 15

  12. I enjoyed using the spins it was funnier and easy to use in class it was different because it was touch as-well and a normal computer. I also enjoyed how you could turn the screen around and draw using the stylus pen.

    I really enjoyed taking pictures it helped show your design in different stages once you had finished creating the bow tie you could see how you improved the idea.

    One thing i enjoyed best was reviewing i enjoyed typing up what i thought of my idea and seeing what my class mates thought to of my idea.

    I didn't think we had enough time though because sometimes we had extra time and sometimes we didn't get to finish some task because of the time.

    I really enhoyed making the bow ties ( :

    Number 11
    (i think)
    or NK ;)

  13. I liked using the spins because it was fun and different. Also i enjoyed the fact that it had a touch screen and a key board.

    I enjoyed drawing my ideas onto the spin because it was different and creative as well as fun.

    I enjoyed most of the exercise apart from i think we didnt have enough time on each task.

    Making the bow ties was fun though:)

    number 14

  14. i really enjoyed using the small laptops because you could spin them round and use the pen if you didnt feel like typing , or you could really do anything with it. It was good that they had lots of accessories on them too like a webcam ect.
    During the bow-tie excerise i enjoyed that the most beause it was using creativity. i liked being able to express my ideas on it.
    i would like to be able to contine with it.
    Number 38
