Tuesday 31 March 2009

Successful first attempt

Last night I set up the Bow Tie task to run with 3 Spins. I had to load the Red5 file on to the desktop and run it from that. I'm not sure if OLM who had the Spins before me used the USBs as there is an escape folder sitting on the desktop.

  • One Spin didn't seem to be connected to the laptop - discovered that using the autorun from the Red5 file sorted this.
  • The 'dashboard' didn't seem always to tie up with what was happening on the Spins, e.g. the connected showed question marks at times and the box task column data didn't seem to correspond with the box the 'pupils' were working on.
This was my first time running the Bow Tie (I had a been a participant in Edinburgh). It is a task, therefore that I am still familiarising myself with and having to lead a class through.

I am going live with 1H on the Bow Tie task this morning. Watch this space for feedback from the pupils.

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