Friday 24 April 2009

Feedback from 2F

2F tried the Spins out with the Bow Tie activity. What did you think, 2F?
  • What was it like using the Spins?
  • What features did you like best?
  • What didn't work so well?
When you post a comment remember to put your number at the end!


  1. it was very exiting and different
    i liked the recorder and the camera i thought it was good
    the pen inside was not working every click but everything else was good
    by ryan armstrong omputer 2

  2. I thought using the computers was a lot of fun. I enjoyed making videos and using the camera the most. However, the sound was not working on my computer.
    By Jack Allison computer 1

  3. it was very fun and different using the computers. the camera and video features were very fun and enjoyable to use. the sound could of being better on the computers though.

    computer 6

  4. i thougt it very fun useing the camra and video clips to talk to each outher and the sound could be better

    computer 3

  5. I liked using the computers because they are really fun but i didn't really like using the video recorder because it was hard making the video in the time we had.
    I liked using the drawing tool and drawing out my bow tie.
    By Miller McWilliams computer 11

  6. I really enjoyed using the computers and I liked the video recorder. The sound on the computers could have been better though. Also, the touch screen wasn't always accurate.Computer 5

  7. it was very good and flexable and it was compatable with other computers but the sound could be better

    computer 15

  8. It was easy and enjoyable to use. The features i liked best was the touch screen and the camera. Every thing was good but i think the speakers could be louder.
    computer 12

  9. annoymus
    it was easy and enjoyable
    the feature i liked was was the touch screen
    the sound could be louder

  10. I really liked the fizzbook cause it is easy to use and the touch screen worked well

  11. The fizz book is really good for it has cam and photo features ROCK ON FIZZ BOOKS!!!!!!!

    Com 4
